Our Clients - eviom
All our projects have in common that our goal is to level up the success of our clients in the digital business. ▶ Get informed now!
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Our Clients

Satisfied customers are the best reference
Clients and References

Let Our Clients Convince You

From market entry strategies to paneuropean performance marketing: our clients range from large corporates to start-ups, from FMCG to travel and e-commerce. All our projects have in common that our goal is to level up the success of our clients in the digital business.


Our team has many years of cross-industry experience in international online marketing  This expertise gives us the ability to develop customer-specific market strategies and to implement operationally. With our highest demand for quality and personal customer contact, we ensure efficient solutions with quantifiable success. This philosophy leads to a long-term and trusting collaboration.


That is why clients choose us … and stay.

Digital marketing for your area of business

Are you looking for a partner who knows the challenges in your industry?

Whether B2B or B2C Business: eviom’s consultancy approach covers numerous sectors, in which we are strong partners for our clients, develop individual digital marketing concepts adapted to the respective business models, targets and framework conditions, ensuring sustainable success.


Car manufactures, automotive trade platforms, mobility solution providers

Finance & Insurance

Banks, insurance companies, comparison platforms, investor relationships

Health Sector

Online fitness studios, burn-out-prevention, medical social platforms

IT Industry

Hardware and software stores, online backup solutions, download platforms

Consumer Goods

Food corporations, FMCG suppliers, exclusive fashion eCommerce

Mechanical/Plant Engineering

Industrial technology, processoriented construction, software

Media & Entertainment

Online games, live streaming services, TV crossmedia campaigns

Medical Technology

Health science, dental products manufacturer, children`s hospital


Mobile apps, payment services, tracking software, media universities


Travel platforms, flight services, hotel finders, travel guides